Gay Men's Relationship Problems That Are Different To A Straight Relationship

Gay Men's Relationship Problems That Are Different To A Straight Relationship

Gay men’s relationship problems are quite different to those experienced in a straight relationship. While the problems experienced in gay men’s relationships and straight relationships can be similar, there is often a very different dynamic between the two, which makes the problems in a gay man’s relationship quite unique.

  1. Money - Money is a topic straight and gay couples argue over. However, in gay men’s relationships the problem is different because of the competition. Men are typically seen as “breadwinners” in a relationship, therefore gay men are quite competitive with each other when it comes to earning money and it can create some very unique problems in a gay man’s relationship.
  2. Chores at home - When you begin living with your gay partner you’ll find this is a very common problem. Gay men often complain and argue about who should do the chores at home. Easiest way to avoid this is to come up with a list of who is going to do what. Who will pay the bills. Who will take care of the lawn and other outdoor areas? Etc.
  3. Issues with work - A straight man that is married and has kids will be much more stern with their employer because of their marriage and family commitments. If a straight married man needs to pick the kid’s up at 5:30 from school then he’ll be stern about that commitment with his employer. Gay men on the other hand don’t often have such a commitment and therefore are more willing to be compliant with their employer especially if it means doing a lot of overtime each week, even if it’s at the expense of their relationship.

There are many problems experienced in a gay man’s relationship that are different to a straight relationship and this is by no means the end of the list.

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