A bespoke gay dating agency providing matchmaking services.
Your membership with Gay Relationships means you can be sure that the people you meet will have been carefully selected just for you to ensure compatibility.
Don’t leave your relationships to chance, Gay Relationships dating agency can help you make great things happen…
In a world where online dating has become the method used by the masses to search for new partners, the Gay Relationships service is completely different to this.
Our service is aimed at only the most discerning of singles, who often need total discretion and confidentiality because of their position, where a public online dating profile would not be appropriate.
For your added security we ensure that all our members are totally genuine – that profiles are absolutely accurate and any photographs that are used are up to date.
For your security and as part of our professional dating service, all our clients and all those you meet through our service, will have first been interviewed and ID verified by one of our friendly and professional team.
A personal one to one relationship coaching session that can help you to make the very most of your membership with us.
We provide professional, one to one relationship coaching to support our clients in getting the very most from our dating service.
Want more information about the Dating Agency Association’s role within the dating industry, please click here.
You upload your profile (it must be complete) and photographs and you can be matched on a complimentary basis on occasions. This would be if you would be a suitable match for one of our full members. Please note your profile and photographs will remain totally private and will never appear on an online site or dating app or be shared with any other organisation. Whilst we are not actively searching for you, we will offer discreet handpicked matches if our Matchmakers feel you are a good potential match for one of our paying members. This is a genuine and professional offer from a well established and trustworthy dating company if you’re finding that meeting people online or through apps is not for you.