In 2009, Grindr became iTunes’ first gay geosocial feature. Its founder, Joel Simkhai, explained his motivation for creating the app – “I’ve always wanted a way to find other guys.” Years later, Simkhai’s dating tool is enjoying metaphoric success, however, many users have been left wondering whether Grindr is perpetrating gay shame and stereotypes. Grindr is a great way to meet new people... without the need to get to know new people. Blogger L.van Ree says – “More often than not, a sex date is the kind of thing you don’t want lasting too long. When the physical relationship has played its part, the usual lack of remaining chemistry makes you want to bail out, to get back to your own life, away from any naked strangers.” Whilst dating apps like Grindr may be seen as a welcome triumph over prejudice, does the objectification of users and encouragement of meaningless encounters paint a true picture of the gay community? Journalist George.P.Simmonds says – “If I were a straight man it would be common practice for me to complete a detailed dating profile and enjoy a casual, yet polite and tentative, string of dates. Because I am gay, however, Grindr’s salacious nature is to seem the norm; it is by far the most prevalent means of meeting other gay men.” Are young gay men to understand that their community is still somehow underground and detached from the rest of society? Should they feel any less worthy of loving and committed relationships? George P Simmonds thinks not – “Homosexuality should not resemble exclusion from mainstream culture; we gay men, as much as anyone else, should feel entitled to a life of great conversation, great sex, and great romance.” While hook-up sites have become an option for both gay and straight single men and women, they should not define us. At Gay Relationships, our Personal Matchmakers work with gay men and women to help find the kind of rewarding, longterm relationships they deserve. If you're ready for an alternative to dating apps and online dating, please call our membership adviser, Tracey Cater for an informal chat on 0800 644 4150 [/column]